Thursday 22 February 2018

Ice-Burner Saga

The Hearth of Ice

In a tale told long ago, while winter winds blew bitterly cold, and the snow lay deep and crisp and even, and good children were already fast asleep, it is said there was once a hearth in a hall that burned with a cold, cold fire, kept heaped with glowing ice by unseen elvish hands. Which is pretty damned weird, even for a fairy tale.

Yes, yes, I know: why would anyone want a cold fire? And, sure, generally speaking, ice doesn't burn. Absolutely, undeniably true. But, suspend your disbelief, and stop fidgeting, and I'll tell you the story. Or some of it, anyway, as it's really time you were asleep. All will become clear. Clear as the pure, crystal ice of the far frozen north, where the Northern Lights play over the ceiling of the world like, um, the gods have left the fridge door open, or something.  Brrrr...

[Notes from Editor: Is this a story for children? If so, I think you should moderate the language? Just a bit? And must they be ravens, or crows, or whatever they are? Rather scary, I feel... Robins would be nicer! Or – here's a thought – what about cats? Everyone loves cats, and cat stories sell! Oh, and the publisher says that anything to do with matches is simply verboten where kiddies are concerned... I know, but... Other than that, it's simply marvellous!]

Uh oh! I think that's Old One-Eye, the Dangling Man, Frigg's Delight, Lord of the Fjord, Raven Ripper, Beard-Needs-a-Trim, Yule Fool, Skin-Smith, and many other evasive-but-chillingly-evocative pseudonyms! Now there's going to be trouble!

What's "flayed", daddy?
Um, skinned alive, darlin'...
Oooh, gru-u-uesomely grisly!
I know, and it gets even better, but I'm afraid that's all we've got time for. Lights out, now... Sleep well! Sweet dreams!


amolitor said...

There are some wonderful compounds out there that do indeed ignite when combined with water ice, usually with tremendous violence. They were mainly invented during the era of rocket fuel developments, and most of them involve fluorine.

Mike C. said...

Tsk... You might at least put "Spoiler Alert" up front... I'll have to think of another fluorine-based plot now!


amolitor said...

I invite you to google up both "Sand won't save you this time" and FOOF both of which should produce a post from the chemistry blog "In The Pipeline" in the first page of results. Both posts are alarming and accessible, even to non-chemists.

In a recent little book I wrote for some children I favor, I managed to work in Chlorine Trifluoride, to my delight.

Mike C. said...

I have accepted your invitation, and am delighted with my purchase. Wow... I particularly enjoyed the account of Streng's cartoonish project.

Plus I now have the word "hypergolic" in my vocabulary (possibly useful as a "safe word" when having over-vigorous sex with a chemist? Sadly, I'll never know) AND the recipe for "Satan's kimchi".

Isn't it strange, how whole new worlds of fun are hiding behind doors you've never thought to open?
