Sunday 7 December 2008

Frosty Sunday

Yesterday's post was a bit downbeat: I really shouldn't write them late on Saturday night after taking strong drink. Never mind, this morning was the first really hard frost we've had, and I went out into the garden in slippers and pajamas to get a few photos before making the tea. The rising sun makes it look warmer than it was.

Then we I drove over to Mottisfont Abbey in the afternoon, where someone seemed to be delivering Christmas:

The moot spring was steaming like a hot bath and, on the drive home, a thick mist was rising all along the River Test:

We got to talking about the moon, which was up as we drove home, and I mentioned the thing about the size of the sun and the moon (see post Blogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home). We agreed that it might be construed as someone taking the piss, but then wondered what size the moons of other planets appear relative to the sun, when you are standing on them? I must check whether anyone has done the maths. The implications of all moons on all planets being the same apparent size as the sun are too silly to contemplate.

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